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Living room




Family room renovations represent a remarkable chance to breathe new life into your home. Architectural trends and housing layouts evolve over time, and Ireland boasts an eclectic blend of homes spanning generations, each with its unique style and architectural heritage. This diversity offers the perfect canvas for stunning home renovations, especially within the family and communal living spaces.





Different Styles of Living Room & Family Room Renovations


Every renovation is a unique opportunity to transform your living space. You might need additional room to expand your existing area, or perhaps a reconfiguration and modernization of your current floor plan are in order. Here are some common types of living area transformations:

  • Expanding or adding family rooms

  • Creating inviting sunrooms

  • Designing bonus rooms or play areas

  • Converting your attic into a functional living space

  • Expanding spaces and adopting open floor plan concepts


Customising Your Renovation


In every renovation, particularly those involving living spaces, it's essential to improve lighting, both natural and electrical, increase storage to reduce clutter, and enhance focal features. Additionally, the design should reflect your unique style and preferences. Our expertise lies in creating customized renovations, and we can incorporate various details into your living room, such as:


  • ​Installing more or larger windows to bring in natural light

  • Crafting custom built-in shelving for added storage and aesthetics

  • Enhancing fireplace features as a focal point

  • Adding architectural elements and decorative ceiling structures

  • Updating flooring to match your design vision

  • Implementing comprehensive lighting plans and fixtures


At APHS, we leverage our expertise to breathe new life into existing architecture, elevating your living spaces to a new level of charm and luxury.

The Significance of a Family Room Remodel


To us, a "family room" encompasses any common area in the home aside from the kitchen that sees regular use for various activities, from relaxation to gathering and entertainment. Historically, family rooms had different definitions and were often contrasted with formal living rooms.

However, today's family rooms serve as all-encompassing hubs for daily life and socializing. Since they are frequented by numerous family members for various purposes, these spaces should exude comfort, warmth, and create a lasting impression, even amidst everyday activities.

If your family areas feel cramped, dimly lit, or awkwardly configured, it may be due to outdated floor plans or previous DIY updates that didn't quite hit the mark. Your interior design may feel stagnant because historically, common areas in homes were separated into various regions. Some were located near the front entrance, while others were tucked away in the middle or rear of the house. This lack of flow and connectivity can disrupt the overall harmony of your living space.

In the past, compartmentalized living was the norm, with each room serving a distinct purpose and formality. However, modern lifestyles emphasize communal living, and a family room renovation can unlock the full potential of your home.

Elevate Your Living Spaces with a Personalized Family Room Renovation by APHS.

Frequently Asked Questions

Different Styles of Room Renovations

Can I remodel my living room now and have my kitchen remodelled  later to match the style?

While it's possible to schedule separate remodelling projects for your living room and kitchen, we recommend considering a combined living room and kitchen renovation. Opting for a simultaneous remodel offers several advantages, with cohesiveness being at the forefront. By remodeling both spaces together, you ensure that the designs harmonize seamlessly, and you won't have to worry about materials becoming unavailable at a later date.


Additionally, it minimizes the disruption to your home.

What should I keep in mind before proceeding with my living room renovation?

Living rooms often serve as focal points within a house, making the style and direction of your remodel crucial. It's essential to choose a design style that can flow seamlessly throughout the rest of your home. If you're unsure where to start, explore our project portfolio for inspiration.

Feel free to reach out to APHS in Ireland for more personalized advice and assistance with your living room or kitchen renovation project.

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